La Mare Vallouine, 50660 Trelly. Tél :+33 (0)2 33 47 65 33



If you would like to book a meal or if you need any information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, fax or email.

La Verte Campagne, 
André Tamba, Directer
La Mare Vallouine, 

Telephone : 02 33 47 65 33
(international +33 2 33 47 65 33)

Email :

Book on line

Click on the link below to book


La Verte Campagne is located near the village of Trelly, 12 km south of Coutances close to the D7, between Coutances and Gavray. Trelly is on the D49. In Trelly, you will see the signposts indicating the route to take to our hotel, about 1.5 km from the village.

Click on the map below to find our location on Google Maps:

La Verte Campagne Hotel
La Mare Vallouine
50660 Trelly


Tél : +33 2 33 47 65 33

SIRET : 792 071 391 00025

Accès Internet Terrasse privative WIFI